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    Golf Calendar

Golf Calendar

Team Ryder Cup Event
From Saturday, September 18, 2021 -  08:00am
To Sunday, September 19, 2021 - 12:00pm
Hits : 360

Labor Day Ryder Cup Team Tournament

Saturday & Sunday

September 18th & 19th


Team USA – Captain Vince Forte – Team Europe Captain - Mark Ventura 

Saturday September 18th

Format for the front nine will be Better Ball of Partners Playing off the Low Handicap in Each Match (90%) and back nine will be select Drive, Alternate Shot (Handicaps will be 45% of the combined partners playing off low handicap). 1 Point will be awarded for front, back and overall, in Each Match. Teams must use at least two tee shots from each player. Play will begin starting at 8am.

Sunday September 19th

Format will be Singles Individual Match Play - 90% Handicap off the low Handicap in each Match. 1 Point will be awarded for front, back and overall, in Each Match. Play will begin at 8am. Awards BBQ to follow play under the tent.

$50.00 Per Player

Sign Up In Golf Shop 
